The fictional Marvel character Cyclops is far less interesting than his fellow X-Men colleagues, given his power consists of firing lasers from his eyes. Not too fun in the context of X-Men, where powers include shapeshifting and magnetic manipulation, but pretty damn cool if such ability can be replicated via DIY project. YouTube user AnselmoFanZero demonstrates a pair of laser firing goggles he built to satisfy the compulsion to build zany and often needless things that grips all builder-type folks.
“Don’t ask me for plans or tutorials. It’s really the most stupidest idea I’ve ever had…but It was really tempting and I had to do it!” AnselmoFanZero immediately warns you that combining lasers and eyes ─ the antithesis of the laser hobbyist ─ is a bad idea and he will not teach you how to build it. Under less -dangerous circumstance, AnselmoFanZero may provide a parts list or schematic for one of the myriad of laser products he assembles and sells.
The goggles themselves
The goggles themselves fire dual blue lasers beams from opposite sides of the frame; these are the actual high powered lasers to be weary of. Mounted as close as possible is pair of harmless red lasers used for fairly accurate aiming. Blue LEDs are built into the sides of the goggles to indicate the ON/OFF status and avoid unnecessary accidents.
Semi-assembled, we see where the lasers and batteries are placed.
AnselmoFanZero tell us that real protective eyewear was used for the base and lens of the goggles, to prevent the beams reflecting back into his eyes. Nevertheless, I’d probably avoid looking at myself in the mirror if they’re activated. Finally, a set of earplugs are also built into the design, not because unleashing the laser beams create loud sounds, but to give the goggles extra stability and prevent them from wobbling on your head.
Never enough lasers
There’s a high probability that already encountered one his many projects if you frequently browse tech sites; these include but are not limited to: a laser revolver, an iron-man like laser gauntlet, a steampunk laser blaser, even a spinning laser Gatling gun. The entire list is available on his website.
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