
EMI filters suit mobile handsets

Based on the company’s Praetorian II architecture, the CM1692 EMI filters suit high-bandwidth applications in mobile handsets. The filters feature a three-pole C-L-C architecture (12 pF-17 nH-12 pF per channel) and also offer ESD protection.

Features include cutoff frequencies to 400 MHz, bandwidth from 800 MHz up to 3 GHz, rise times as low as 2 ns, and insertion loss less than 2 dB). Three versions are available: the four-channel CM1692-04DE, six-channel CM1692-06DE, and eight-channel CM1692-08DE. (Between $0.10 and $0.20 ea/1,000, depending on channel configuration—available now.)

California Micro Devices , Milpitas , CA
Richard Haas 408-934-3108


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