Emulex Delivers FCoE CNAs for Sun Microsystems' COMSTAR Project
Emulex announced Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBA) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Converged Network Adapters (CNAs) for use with OpenSolaris' Common Multiprotocol SCSI Target (COMSTAR).
Fibre Channel and FCoE Adapters Enable OpenSolaris Users and Vendors to Develop and Deploy New Sun Storage Appliance Solutions within Converged Networks
Emulex announced Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBA) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Converged Network Adapters (CNAs) for use with OpenSolaris' Common Multiprotocol SCSI Target (COMSTAR) providing end-to-end Fibre Channel and FCoE support within OpenSolaris environments.
Emulex's LightPulse HBAs and CNAs enable Sun Microsystems' OpenSolaris customers to evaluate and deploy storage appliances, while experiencing the benefits of network convergence, such as increased server efficiency, and lower power and cooling costs.