
Energy-harvesting reports

IDTechEx has launched its latest publications “Energy Harvesting In Action” & “Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2010-2020.”

Energy Harvesting In Action

This report looks exclusively at use of energy harvesting beyond new product announcements and trials. It examines the benefits of each project and reasons for success and failure. Winning countries, technologies, suppliers and applications are identified from hard facts. These facts, taken in conjunction with IDTechEx value analysis of the energy harvesting market and the progress of technology improvements, are used to project what will be the successes in the next five years in terms of adoption, rather than just trial, of energy harvesting. We give the reasons why. This report is intended for all involved in the energy harvesting value chain, including legislators, governments, standards bodies and investors. Benchmark your success and failure and optimise your future approach based on measured evidence. It is all here.

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Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2010-2020

Energy harvesting is otherwise known as power harvesting or energy scavenging. It is the use of ambient energy to power small electronic or electrical devices. That means solar cells on satellites, heat powered sensors buried in engines, vibration harvesting for helicopter electronics and the wind- up radio or lantern. However, there are also several more esoteric options.

Energy harvesting has reached a tipping point. This is because the necessary lower power electronics and more efficient energy gathering and storage are now sufficiently affordable, reliable and longer lived for a huge number of applications to be practicable. From wind-up laptops for Africa to the wireless light switch working from the power of your finger, these things are either available or imminently available. And photovoltaics, long used in aerospace, has come down-market, even to road furniture but it has much further to go even to disposable solar film and even solar paint. The first solar powered watches and phones have appeared. Some new photovoltaic technologies are printed reel to reel at low cost, the resulting film working off heat as well as light. For example, Sony is commercialising flexible solar cells for indoor use.

However, there are further mountains to climb from self powered wireless sensors monitoring forest fires, pollution spillages and even inside the human body and in the concrete of buildings. These applications will become commonplace one day. Even devices with maintenance-free life of hundreds of years can now be envisaged. Meanwhile, bionic man containing maintenance free, self-powered devices for his lifetime is an objective for the next few years. For the first time, this unique report looks at the global situation. It particularly focuses on 200 organisations in 22 countries.

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Energy Harvesting & Storage Europe and Wireless Sensor Networks & RTLS 2010

26-27 May, Munich, Germany

This is the premier European event dedicated to energy harvesting and wireless sensing and locating technologies incorporating a two-day conference and exhibition, six interactive Masterclasses, tours to local organisations, an Awards Dinner and many networking opportunities.

Attend to hear end users such as EADS, Philips, NASA, Northrop Grumman, PRI, SNCF, GE and Schneider Electric present on their needs. All the technologies will be covered from piezoelectric energy harvesting to ultra-low power wireless sensors.

Visit for more information and to register.


Energy Harvesting & Storage USA

16-17 November, Boston, USA

An International co-located conference and exhibition assessing the application, technologies and opportunities for energy harvesting and storage, Wireless Sensor Networks and RTLS.

Boston has a high concentration of companies involved in energy harvesting and wireless sensor networks and in addition to our conference, exhibition and masterclass sessions, we will also be hosting tours to local companies.


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