ESD protection device clamps 15 kV to 7 V in nanoseconds
Sports smallest package size to guard high-speed data lines in portables
With a 0.5-pF capacitance, the ESD9L single-line ESD protection device clamps an input ESD waveform of 15 kV to less than 7 V in a matter of nanoseconds—presented as the industry’s best performance for such devices. The part comes in a 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.4-mm SOD-923 package—the industry’s smallest for such devices—enabling it to safeguard high-speed data lines in portable applications such as cell phones, MP3 players, PDAs, and digital cameras.
The performance improvements were achieved via the company’s novel process technology that integrates ultra-low capacitance pin diodes with high-power TVS diodes into a monolithic die. The part is suitable for high-speed applications such as USB2.0 and HDMI. ($0.15 ea/10,000—available now.)
ON Semiconductor , Phoenix , AZ
Lon Robinson
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