
Europe’s Code of Conduct Version 5 Released

Last month, the European Commission released the latest version of its Code of Conduct (CoC) for External Power Supplies (EPS). Version 5 replaces the previous version from 2009 with tighter requirements plus an additional active mode efficiency load test point.

As with version 4, the new CoC is a voluntary program, setting minimum allowable requirements for single voltage output EPSs with less than 250 W of output power. Specifications include maximum no-load power consumption and minimum active mode efficiency limits. There are separate requirements for “low voltage” products (defined as having an output

New in this version is an added lower load minimum efficiency requirement. Besides the average active mode efficiency requirement found in previous versions (the average of the efficiencies measured at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% loads), version 5 also requires a minimum efficiency level at 10% load. This was added to address EPS conversion efficiency in applications that spend a significant portion of their time in lower power idle modes.

The program specifications are shown in the tables below.

Table 1. EC CoC No-load Power Consumption Limits

Rated Output Power (Pno )

No-load power consumption

Tier 1

Tier 2

> 0.3 W and < 49 W

0.150 W

0.075 W

> 49 W and < 250 W

0.250 W

0.150 W

Mobile handheld battery driven and < 8 W

0.075 W

0.075 W

Table 2. EC CoC Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Active Mode (excl. Low Voltage EPSs)

Rated Output Power (Pno )

Minimum Four Point Average Efficiency in Active Mode

Minimum Efficiency in Active Mode at 10 % load of full rated output current

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 1

Tier 2

0.3 ≤ W ≤ 1

≥ 0.500 * Pno + 0.146

≥ 0.500 * Pno + 0.169

≥ 0.500 * Pno + 0.046

≥ 0.500 * Pno + 0.060

1 < W ≤ 49

≥ 0.0626*ln(Pno )
+ 0.646 ≥

≥0.071*ln(Pno )- 0.00115 * Pno + 0.670

≥ 0.0626*ln(Pno )
+ 0.546

≥ 0.071*ln(Pno )- 0.0014 * Pno + 0.570

49 < W ≤ 250

≥ 0.890

≥ 0.890

≥ 0.790

≥ 0.790

Table 3. EC CoC Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Active Mode for Low Voltage EPSs

Rated Output Power (Pno )

Minimum Four Point Average Efficiency in Active Mode

Minimum Efficiency in Active Mode at 10 % load of full rated output current

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 1

Tier 2

0.3 ≤ W ≤ 1

≥ 0.500 * Pno + 0.086

≥ 0.517 * Pno + 0.091

≥ 0.500 * Pno

≥ 0.516 * Pno

1 < W ≤ 49

≥ 0.0755*ln(Pno )+ 0.586 ≥

≥0.0834*ln(Pno )- 0.0011 * Pno + 0.609

≥ 0.072*ln(Pno )+ 0.500

≥ 0.0834*ln(Pno )- 0.00127 * Pno + 0.518

49 < W ≤ 250

≥ 0.880

≥ 0.880

≥ 0.780

≥ 0.780

Source for Tables 1, 2, and 3: EC Code of Conduct on Energy Efficiency of External Power Supplies, 10/29/13.

Note: “ln” refers to the natural logarithm.

The effective date for Tier 1 is January 1, 2014, with Tier 2, January 1, 2016.

For a copy of the CoC version 5 requirements, click here. For additional information on the Code of Conduct program, click here.


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