The IIEVB-PIC-2128-110/220 reference design and evaluation board bring together a 16-bit MCU for application control and the CO2128 iChip for secure, reliable TCP/IP connectivity on LAN and General Packet Radio Service networks. The CO2128 uses the AT+i API to offload Wi-Fi drivers and security tasks, SSL security and networking protocols from the host application and acts as a firewall.
The iChip connects to the PIC24s serial port and its commands enable programmers to connect to IP networks and leverage the chips IP features, including HTTP (client and server), HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP, POP3, SSL, and routing capabilities. The CO2128 supports LAN, Wi-Fi, and all types of dialup/wireless modems and includes a fully secure TCP/IP stack, plus upper layer protocols. ($149 — available now.)
Connect One Semiconductors , San Jose , CA
Information 408-572-5675
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