Ed Haering at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center and Ken Plotkin at Wyle have developed a software system capable of displaying the location and intensity of shock waves caused by supersonic aircraft. This technology can be integrated into cockpits or ground-based control rooms to help pilots place any loud booms in a specific location, minimizing their impact in populated areas.
This technology, which will play a key role in enabling supersonic overland flight, can be used on current-generation supersonic aircrafts, which generate loud sonic booms, as well as future-generation low-boom aircrafts, anticipated to be quiet enough to allow use over populated areas.
Laura Fobel, Armstrong's Technology Transfer Officer, will also highlight opportunities for technology transfer and partnership related to this technology as well as others in the Armstrong Flight Research Center portfolio.
Laura Fobel, Technology Transfer Officer, NASA Armstrong, Flight Research
Ed Haering, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Armstrong, Flight Research Center
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