Master Bond MasterSil 170 Gel is a two component system with excellent flowability for potting and encapsulation applications. It possesses a low mixed viscosity of 1,000 cps, has a long working life after mixing (2-4 hours for 100 g batch), a low exotherm upon cure and is easy to dispense. This solvent free silicone product does not require exposure to air for cross-linking. It has a convenient one to one mix ratio by weight, and will cure at 75°F or more quickly at elevated temperatures.
“MasterSil 170 Gel has excellent optical clarity,” says Rohit Ramnath, Senior Product Engineer. “It has a low refractive index of 1.42. Additionally, it exhibits outstanding electrical insulation properties, can cure in thicknesses beyond 1 inch, and protects sensitive electronic/optical components against thermal stresses. Most notable for MasterSil 170 Gel is the ability it offers to retrieve delicate components after cure.”
This versatile composition is highly resistant to water, can withstand severe thermal cycling without cracking and has extremely low shrinkage upon cure. This soft, pliable and compliant silicone system is repairable and its hardness penetration is 65 mm. MasterSil 170 Gel is available for use in ½ pint, pint, quart, gallon and 5 gallon kit containers. Shelf life in original, unopened containers at 75°F is 6 months.
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