
Eyeglass technology gives blind woman ability to see her newborn son

Technology isn’t all about cellphones, tablets and rovers in outer space. Sometimes just a little bit of technology- even in a pair of eyeglasses— can change someone’s life.

A Canadian company called eSight has introduced an electronic glasses technology that can restore sight in the legally blind. Kathy Beitz, a recent new mom, reaped the benefits of this technology.

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Beitz wished she had the ability to see her son when he was born, so the eSight Corporation actually loaned her a pair of its glasses for the day.

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Beitz meets her newborn son.(Image via YouTube)

Thanks to this technology, you can watch Beitz look at her newborn son. Not only is this the first time she will she her baby, but this is also the first time she has ever seen any baby.

How do these glasses grant sight to the blind?

In order to use the glasses, you must be considered legally blind (or low vision), not completely blind, since the glasses need some vision, however slight, to enhance.

A user wears the eSight headset which includes a high-definition camera, OLED screens and multiple supporting technologies used to capture and display a real-time video feed.

Each pair of eSight’s comes equipped with a small, lightweight processing unit that is responsible for adjusting every pixel of the video in real-time. The processing unit also houses the battery that powers the glasses.

The glasses then allow legally blind people to see things such as faces, books, signs and television screens. eSight glasses can not only autofocus on different range objects, but also include image contrast enhancement and reverse color display that allows users to actually see things that normal-sighted people can’t see.

The glasses are $15,000 to own and Beitz’s sister has started a #MakeBlindnessHistory campaign to help raise money to allow her sister and all other legally blind individuals to purchase the eSight glasses.

According to the company, in the future “eSight will become smaller, include more features and become less expensive as the years go by.”

eSight conducts fundraising for those who cannot afford to purchase a pair of these glasses.

Story via eSight Corporation and Huffington Post.


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