The XC2267 high-performance 16-bit microcontroller is part of the next-generation X2200 series that targets automotive body applications. The LQFP-144-packaged part features single-clock-cycle 12.5-ns instruction execution at 80 MHz, 448 to 768 Kbytes of flash, and 34 to 82 Kbytes of RAM.
The chip has six serial interface channels that can be used as UART, LIN, SPI, IIC Bus, or IIS I/O, along with a MultiCAN Interface with 128 message objects on five CAN nodes and gateway functionality. The chip has two multichannel A/D converters and needs less than 60 mA at maximum performance and 50 µA in standby mode. ($7.35 ea/20,000available now.)
Infineon Technologies , Milpitas , CA
Sales Office 866-951-9519
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