Fast 8-bit MCUs have 0.1-µA sleep mode
The PIC18F4XK20/2XK20 high-performance 8-bit microcontroller family is said to achieve a new level of low-power consumption combined with high performance. The 16-MIPS (64-MHz), 28-, 40-, and 44-pin MCUs provide power-managed modes, with idle mode down to 1.0 µA and sleep mode down to 0.1 µA, plus an operating voltage range of 1.8 to 3.6 V.
The devices have a 16-MHz internal oscillator with a PLL, a master synchronous serial port (I2 C/SPI) module, a four-channel, 10-bit enhanced capture/compare pulse-width modulation with PWM steering capability, up to 14 10-bit A/D conversion channels, and dual rail-to-rail comparators. Other key features include up to 64 Kbytes of flash, up to 3.9 Kbytes of RAM and 1 Kbyte of EEPROM. (From $1.56 ea/10,000—samples available now.)
Microchip Technology , Chandler , AZ
Sales 480-792-7200
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