The Cortex-A5 based SAMA5D3 (ATSAMA5D3xA) microprocessor now offers a smaller 12 mm package and -40° to 105°C temperature support. The device delivers up to 850 DMIPS at 536 MHz and takes under 150 mW in active mode at maximum speed. The chip has a 64-bit advanced interrupt controller, SHA algorithm and AES security support, and 192 customer allocated fuse bits.
The processor series features an multi-layer internal bus structure and 39 DMA channels, plus support for DDR2/LPDDR/LPDDR2 and MLC NAND flash memory with 24-bit ECC, and a floating point math unit (VFPv4). The MCU has a 12-channel 12-bit A/D converter, a GbE MAC with 1588 support, a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, two CAN controllers, a four channel 16-bit PWM controller, and many other I/O. From $6.95 ea/1,000.
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