The SAMA5D31, SAMA5D33, SAMA5D34, SAMA5D35 microcontrollers use a 536 MHz Cortex A5 core and yield up to 850 DMIPS. The MCUs take just 200 mW in active mode and have a 32 Kbyte data cache, 32 Kbyte instruction cache, Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA), an MMU, a 160 Kbyte ROM, and a floating point unit.
The BGA324 packaged devices have a 166 MHz bus and take less than 0.5 mW in low-power mode. Some versions have GbE and 10/100 Ethernet ports, dual CAN ports, and a TFT LCD controller with a graphics accelerator. They also have a camera interface, a soft modem, a 12-bit A/D converter, and 32-bit timers. (From $7.00 ea/1,000 – available now.)
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