Fiber Channel board transmits data at 266 Mbits/s
Board offers low-cost, fiber-optic solution for high-speed data transfer
between high-end PCs and supercomputers
To allow high-end PCs, workstations, and supercomputers to take advantage
of the high-speed capabilities of fiber-optic lines, Hewlett-Packard has
introduced the HOLC-0266 optical-link board. Transmitting at 266 Mbits/s
over distances up to 2 km, the HOLC-0266 implements the FC-O physical
layer of the ANSI X3T9.3 Fiber Channel standard. The board incorporates
the transmit and receive functions for both the electrical and optical
interface. A standard 48-pin male connector on the HOLC-0266 plugs
directly into a motherboard or I/O board. An SC optical cable connector on
the HOLC-0266 takes either a 50- or 62-micron multimode cable. The
transmitter comprises a single silicon-bipolar IC that takes in
10-bit-wide parallel data, serializes it, and sets the high-speed timing.
The transmitter output modulates a 780-nm, short-wavelength, multimode
laser that has a bit error rate of 10E
light is sent to a receiver where it is detected by a silicon PIN
photodiode. The receiver processes the signal and restores the original
10-bit-wide data. The board measures 0.55 (H) x 1.56 (W) x 4.51 (L) in.
and is being second-sourced through IBM. ($495–4 to 6 weeks ARO.)
Hewlett-Packard Co. Cupertino, CA Sales Dept. 800-752-0900
The HOLC-0266 optical-link board allows for the transmission of data at
rates of up to 266 Mbits/s using the Fiber Channel standard.