Requirements for expanded coverage and higher data rates for 4G/LTE smartphones are pushing the wireless industry to supplement traditional macro cells with many new smaller, local cells. However, all this heterogeneous network (“HetNet”) data must go somewhere, requiring backhaul links over > 1 Gbit/s. The capital and operating expense of provisioning fiber at a rapidly expanding number of sites is forcing service providers to look for cheaper and more flexible alternatives using wireless links. While today's crowded wireless bands do not have enough remaining spectrum, recent technology advances are dropping the cost and improving the reliability of millimeter-wave links, in bands where spectrum is more readily available.
This webcast will explore a system-level approach to the design and verification challenges of E-Band (60 to 90-GHz) wireless backhaul systems, as well as their components. System, RF, and Baseband architectures will be explored, as well as design approaches and verification strategies that cross multiple disciplines. These techniques are important for reducing R&D costs at difficult frequencies, while preserving flexibility for continually-evolving regulatory and signaling environments.
Sangkyo Shin
Digital Communications System Specialist,
Agilent Technologies
Daren McClearnon
System-level EDA Segment Manager
Agilent Technologies
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