Frequency synthesizer is low cost
The SM-102 is a 5 1/2-digit modular frequency synthesizer that provides a
TTL square wave signal into a 50-ohm load over the range of 0.1 Hz to 16
MHz in eight decade ranges. Temperature stability is guaranteed to <_2b_>10
ppm over the temperature range of 0 to 50 degreesC. An optional <_2b_> ppm
version is also available. The output signal frequency spectrum is clean,
with no spurious outputs greater than -60 dBc. Setting time is 10 ms to
within 10% of a frequency step. The SM-102 measures 6.5 x 4.5 x 0.75 in.
Power requirements are 8 V at 400 mA. and 24 V at 50 mA. ($528 — 30 to 45
days.) Syntest Corp. Marlboro, MA Mitchell Corrigan 508-481-7827 EEM
FILE 2900