Fujitsu Introduces RFID Tags with 256 Bytes of FRAM for Product Tracking, Distribution Applications
Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. (FMA) today introduced the newest member of its FerVID family of RFID tags, the MB89R119, which incorporates 256 bytes of FRAM and operates at approximately 50 times the speed of tags that use EEPROM. Designed to use the 13.56MHz frequency, the MB89R119 costs about the same as EEPROM RFID tags, but provides significantly faster read/write operations. It can complete write operations at roughly double the speed of an EEPROM-based tag. The memory uses proprietary Fujitsu commands issued by the chip, resulting in read operations that are approximately twice as fast as conventional products.
Fujitsu Introduces New, Light, Cost-Effective RFID Tags with 256 Bytes of FRAM for Product Tracking, Distribution Applications Adds to FerVID™ Family of RFID Products Sunnyvale, California, August 9, 2005Â – Â Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. (FMA) today introduced the newest member of its FerVID family of RFID tags, the MB89R119, which incorporates 256 bytes of FRAM and operates at approximately 50 times the speed of tags that use EEPROM. Designed to use the 13.56MHz frequency, the MB89R119 costs about the same as EEPROM RFID tags, but provides significantly faster read/write operations. It can complete write operations at roughly double the speed of an EEPROM-based tag. The memory uses proprietary Fujitsu commands issued by the chip, resulting in read operations that are approximately twice as fast as conventional products. The reduction in the time required for read/write operations means the MB89R119 tag is less susceptible to external noise, making the communications process very reliable. The new MB89R119 has 256 bytes of FRAM, resulting in a smaller package than other members of the FerVID family, including the MB89R116, which includes 2KB of FRAM. In addition to the speed advantage that FRAM offers, the small size and low cost of the new product will facilitate its use in a wide range of applications across various industries. Like all members of the FerVID family, the MB89R119 complies with ISO/IEC15693, the most widely used international standard for RFID tags. RFID with FRAM Delivers Benefits to Many Applications RFID is used for identifying physical objects using computer chips with wireless communications capabilities. It is primarily used in distribution and logistics for tracking product information, distribution channels, and distribution logs. RFID is attracting attention as a key technology of the ubiquitous networking era. The use of low-power FRAM obviates the need for a voltage step-up circuit, which most conventional EEPROM-based RFID tags require. This reduces the chip's total space requirements. And by reducing the memory capacity compared to the existing MB89R118 model, the result is a more compact, lower-cost RFID tag. Pricing and Availability The new MB89R119 will be available on October 1, 2005. The MB89R119 is fabricated using Fujitsu's 0.35-micron process. Samples will be available at a price of 50 cents per unit in sample quantities. Product Features Process technology 0.35 µm FRAM memory capacity 256 bytes User memory region 232 bytes Communications speed 26.48 Kbps Communications range 70 cm (Reference value. Will be affected by antenna shape, reader/writer performance.) Operating frequency 13.56 MHz Modulation (reader to tag) 10% ASK, 100% ASK Modulation (tag to reader) 10% ASK Operating temperature -20°C – 85°C Storage temperature -40°C – 85°C Data integrity 10 years (@ 55°C) Data rewrites 10 billion+ Data read time 76 ms (232 bytes) Data write time 302 ms (232 bytes) Other Supports international standard ISO/IEC15693 About Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. (FMA) leads the industry in innovation. FMA provides high-quality, reliable semiconductor products and services for the networking, communications, automotive, security and other markets throughout North and South America. For more information about FRAM please see