Full-duplex scrambler IC for cordless phones
The MX118 is a full-duplex frequency-inversion scrambler for use in
cordless phones and wireless PBXs. It includes two separate audio paths,
each consisting of a tenth-order 3.1-kHz low-pass filter, a balanced
modulator, a 3.3-kHz inversion carrier, a fourteenth-order 300 to 3,000-Hz
band-pass filter, and input op amps with externally adjustable gain. The
MX118 operates from a 3.0 to 5.5-V supply and comes in 16-pin plastic DIPs
and SO packages. (From $2.77 ea/1,000–available now.) MX-COM,
Winston-Salem, NC Information 800-638-5577 Fax 919-744-5054