The SG5SE84NBG1BGDJuu 1.55-V 4-Gbyte fully buffered DIMMs achieve an average of 18% power reduction compared to FBDIMM modules using standard 1.8-V DRAMs. The DDR2-667 and DDR2-800 modules target high-performance server applications and take 6 to 10.5-W active power.
By using 1-Gbit DRAMs in x8-based configurations, the modules cut the number of chips needed per rank from 18 to 9, helping achieve the lowest power combination. The DIMMs come in 2- and 4-Gbyte versions. ($112 to $350 — available 4 to 6 weeks ARO.)
Smart Modular Technologies , Fremont , CA
Sales 510-623-1231
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