Fully isolated ADC ensures energy meter magnetic immunity
Offered as the industry’s first fully isolated A/D converter designed for polyphase energy metering applications, the 3-channel ADE7913 sigma-delta device features the company’s patented iCoupler and isoPower technologies to implement isolated signal transfer and dc-to-dc power conversion across a 5 kV-rated insulation barrier. This enables the use of shunt resistor sensing elements instead of current transformers (CTs), thereby providing immunity to magnetic field interference and tampering.
The use of shunts instead of CTs also reduces system cost and size.Features include three 24-bit isolated A/D converters (one current channel and two voltage channels), on-chip temperature sensor, integrated voltage reference and voltage regulator, a 4-wire SPI serial interface. Housed in a 20-lead wide body SOIC package (with greater than 8-mm clearance and creepage), the part operates over –40° to 85°C.($5.71 ea/1,000 — available now)
By Christina Nickolas
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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