Ideal for microwave radio, VSAT, military, test equipment, and sensors, the HMC773 GaAs MMIC mixer die allows designers to address up/downconverter applications from 6 to 26 GHz. This passive general-purpose double balanced mixer requires no external components or matching circuitry and exhibits up to 22-dBm input IP3, and a wide IF bandwidth spanning dc to 10 GHz.
Due to optimized balun structures, the part provides an LO to RF and LO to IF isolation up to 38 dB. Typical conversion loss is only 9 dB. This wideband mixer operates with LO drive levels of 13 dBm, and exhibits consistent conversion loss and compression across its entire operating bandwidth. Die size is 1.37 x 0.96 x 0.1 mm. ($57.38 ea/10 — available now.)
Hittite Microwave
Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343
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