HL10.AUG–Phylon, Inc.–RP
Modem chipset integrates DSP-based compression with V.32bis operation
Device can deliver up to twice the throughput of alternative designs
The PHY1003 is offered as the industry's first modem chipset that
integrates a digital signal processor (DSP)-based compression engine with
V.32bis operation for data, fax, and voice applications. According to the
company, this architecture can deliver up to twice the throughput of
competing modem design alternatives and allows manufacturers to use less
costly microcontrollers while still achieving state-of-the-art
performance. The chipset functionality includes CCITT V.32bis and lower
speeds for data, and V.17 downward fax compatibility. The integrated data
compression is fully compatible with CCITT V.42 error correction and V.
42bis data compression. A voice compression algorithm encodes voice at 14,
400 bits/s. The PHY1003 comprises two CMOS VLSI chips: the PHY115 DSP and
the PHY202 mixed analog/digital front end. The Phylon modem software,
including the error correction and data correction routines is executed by
the DSP. Additional features of the PHY1003 include data, fax, and voice
detection, as well as a DTMF and programmable tone generator and detector,
a caller ID receiver, and a sleep mode. The chipset is available in PLCCs,
PQFPs, and TQFPs. ($56 ea/1,000–available now.) Phylon, Inc., Fremont,
CA Hamdi El-Sissi 510-656-2606 Fax 510-656-0902
The PHY1003 modem chipset integrates a DSP-based data compression engine
with 14,400-bit/s data, fax, and voice operation.