
Go Behind the Scenes with NASA

Engineers can enter the Speed2Design 2013 Sweepstakes for the chance to participate in face-to-face TechTalks with NASA engineers


As part of the 2013 Speed2Design program, Littelfuse has created a NASA Exploration & Discovery Experience, and a few lucky design engineers will be given the unique chance to go behind the scenes at two premiere NASA facilities.

Littelfuse will randomly select 10 winners from those who enter the promotion to meet and talk with engineers working on some of the most advanced technology being developed today. The events will be hosted at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. on August 15 and Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas on October 24. The highlights of these events, the Speed2Design TechTalks, will offer winners the opportunity to speak with engineers involved in the NASA Technology Transfer Program, and learn about technological breakthroughs in small spacecraft, intelligent robotics, 3D printing, bioengineering and the NASA Space Portal.  

 PhoneSat Demonstration

PhoneSat demonstration. The PhoneSat project was the joint effort of three smartphones in orbit, as part of NASA's nanosatellite mission. Launched on April 21, 2013. Image via

For the winners of the draw, there's no cost to participate in the Exploration & Discovery events, as event expenses, lodging, and travel vouchers will be provided by Littelfuse. 

The drawing for Speed2Design Exploration & Discovery at NASA Ames Research Center is July 18th , so enter the Speed2Design 2013 Sweepstakes now!


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