If you were on the fence when it came to whether or not Google Glass qualified as a truly worthwhile device, this latest hack might help you decide that it is. The London-based company This Place has, more or less, hacked the eyewear so that its photo-capturing capabilities can be controlled by one’s thoughts.
This Place stated that it believes this capability will be of particular use during high-pressure hands-free situations, such as surgeries. The company has since released the software, referred to as MindrRDR, for free in hopes that developers will adapt for additional uses.
In a formal response to news of the technology’s development, Google stated that it does not support the software, nor is the Glass component capable of reading brainwaves; rather, a separate, unapproved-by-Google piece needs to be attached to the eyewear. As such, users should not expect to see the app available in the Google Play store any time soon.
The add-on piece the company is referring to is akin to an EEG headset, which can measure when certain parts of the brain show a greater level of activity. Controlled by This Place’s MindrRDR software, a user can snap a quick shot simply by concentrating for a few moments.
A bit more specifically, when a user wants to take a photo, a white, horizontal line appears on Google Glass’s screen. As the user concentrates on the line, it rises; when it reaches the top of the screen, a picture is taken using Glass’s built-in camera.
Repeating the process will then post the photo to a pre-configured social media profile.
Currently, Google Glass is able to take a photo either by voice command (“OK Glass, take a picture”) or by tapping and swiping on the side of the device.
Right now, this is the only capability the device can perform with a certain level of consistency. Down the road, the company foresees a wide world of possibilities where this kit could be put to use, ranging from video games capable of monitoring one’s emotional state to giving users who can’t even control the movement of their eyes the ability to control the system and achieve certain tasks.
Story via bbc.com
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