The Distributed Computing Industry Association (DCIA) will present GOVERNMENT VIDEO IN THE CLOUD (GVIC), a Conference within the Government Video Expo 2013 (GVE) on Wednesday, December 4, at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC.
GVE, co-located with InfoComm's GovComm, brings the east coast's largest contingent of video production, post, digital media, and broadcast professionals together with government AV/IT specialists. The combined event features over 150 exhibits and nearly 6,000 registrants.
The CCA offers sponsorship opportunities for this event.
To register, go to DCIA Member Company employees and DCINFO readers are entitled to a $100 discount by using registration code GVE.
The needs for cloud solutions for producing, storing, distributing, and analyzing government-owned video content are greater than ever.
GVIC will focus on cloud solutions for government video, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; and other use cases such as agency communications and law enforcement.
The opening keynote by Tim Bixler, Federal Manager, Solutions Architecture, Amazon Web Services (AWS), will offer an “Update on Cloud Video Services Adoption in the Public Sector.”
The first two case studies will be: “Cloud Solutions for Government Video Production” by John Heaton, Director of Sales Engineering, Americas, Aspera, and “Cloud-Based Management of Government Video Assets” by Frank Cardello, General Manager, Platform, T3Media.
The first GVIC panel will add Cirina Catania, Independent Video Producer, to the discussion and cover “Considerations for Creating Government Video in the Cloud.”
After a networking break, the second GVIC keynote by Adam Firestone, Director, Solutions, WSO2 Federal Systems, will address “Security & Reliability Concerns Unique to Government Video in the Cloud.”
The next two case studies will cover “Distribution of Government-Owned Video from the Cloud” by Adam Powers, VP of Media Technology & Solutions. V2Solutions and “Analysis of Aggregated Government Video Content” by Michael Rowny, CEO, PixSpan.
The closing GVIC panel discussion will add Larry Freedman, Partner, Edwards, Wildman, Palmer, and examine “Considerations for Cloud Dissemination of Government Video.”