The 1.5 lb, Li-ion-battery-operated Model S2505 dual-channel DSO/DMM/datalogger has a 5-MHz bandwidth and a 50-Msample/s sampling rate (25-Ms/s using both channels). It also acts as a 10,000-count true-rms DMM, and has a USB port and 17,000-point datalogging memory.
As a DSO it provides ±3% vertical accuracy, 512-byte record length in single-shot/glitch mode, 1.0-μs to 5-s sweep rates, storage of 16 waveforms and setups, and triggering from channel A, B, or external sources. The autoranging DMM has five true-rms ac ranges (1,000 mV to 750 V), four dc ranges (1,000 mV to 1,000 V), six frequency ranges (100 Hz to 10 MHz), and four resistance ranges (5 kΩ to 5 MΩ). Capabilities include trend plotting, go/no-go testing, and RPM, duty-cycle, and pulse-width functions. ($621 available now.)
Protek Test & Measurement , Englewood , NJ
Roy Taffaro 201-227-1161
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