Handheld scope
includes DMM functions
The Model 381263 handheld single-channel graphical storage oscilloscope
features a bandwidth of dc to 100 kHz, a sampling rate of 1 Msample/s,
and a 128 x 64 graphics LCD with a viewing area of 2.8 (W) x 1.5 (H) in.
The scope provides ranges of 150 mV to 800 V/div and 10 µs/div to 1 s/div.
Built-in multimeter functions include true-rms ac voltage/current, dc voltage/current,
resistance, capacitance, frequency, decibels, duty cycle, pulse width, and period
measurement, as well as diode and continuity test. An adapter is available to allow
temperature measurement. ($209–stock.)
Extech Instruments
Waltham, MA
John O'Brien 781-890-7440