In a world packed with smart devices, now Hapilabs has developed a smart fork. As seen in the video, HapiLabs founder Fabrice Boutain explains how people's health can benefit from this gizmo. Various scientific studies have drawn conclusions regarding a person’s bite size, ingestion rate, and meal portions, and how they directly affect health. Inhaling food can lead to weight gain, gastric reflux, postoperative complications, and digestive problems. Thus the Hapifork is a technological advancement to prevent health problems and guide people to develop healthier eating habits.
The Hapifork is iOS and Android compatible. Containing a 3.7-V lithium-polymer battery, the Hapifork has capacitive detection. The microcontroller it uses is an ARM Cortex-M0 processor. A Micro USB connector comes with the Hapifork. Plastic shell components cover all electromechanical parts to make the device washable. The user receives vibrating feedback from the fork when food is being consumed too quickly. Two LEDs on the fork emit pertinent signals to the eater.
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The fork makes users aware of, and monitors, every move they make while devouring a meal. It times how long it took you to finish your meal and how many fork servings per minute. The enclosed timer helps users pace the time between fork servings and calculates the intervals at which fork servings occur. The corresponding app then will display how you’ve progressed and the overspeed ratio. The three tracking modes of Alarm, Coaching, and Mute enable users to receive immediate feedback on their eating habits while dining.
The data calculated through this gadget is uploaded via USB or Bluetooth to your online dashboard on or the app so users can track their progression. There are online coaching programs available to help users, and meal plans are available. The Hapifork dashboard can also configure with products like Whithings scales and Fitbit pedometers.
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