Just a few years ago, 3D printers were generating quite the buzz, promising that one day we’d be able to 3D print tools right in our homes. The idea that you could essentially replicate any object with 3D printing meant that it was going to be a huge business.
And then, business stagnated. Last year alone, MakerBot, one of the leading companies in the consumer 3D printer industry, laid off 20 percent of its staff, not just one time, but two times. The company struggled to make 3D printing universal.
Many company analysts have criticized 3D printers for their large size and expense as to why they haven’t taken off in homes the way we predicted they would. However, another reason could be the fact that they are difficult to use correctly.
The first issue may arise when you have to set up the file that is supposed to work with the 3D printing software. Sometimes, the 3D printer doesn’t natively read the format, which means installing an extension to convert the file into a format that the printer’s software can process.
Secondly, getting the printer to print the file can pose a challenge. The device may reject the SD card you put the file on, saying “read error.” Some 3D printers only work with cards formatted using the FAT16 file format.
And thirdly, as 3D printing takes a long time, users often set it up and check back later. The spool of filament can get tangled and end up in a mess of plastic. If something goes wrong, there isn’t the option of pausing, fixing the issues, and resuming. Users must start over and waste both the time and material already invested.
The fact that all of the above things need to be done correctly on the first try in order to successfully 3D print something proves that this type of technology may not be for the average person. While we expect a full commercial and educational usage for 3D printers to soar, for the typical person, it may be too complicated and not make much sense.
Source: Mashable
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