Remember the old school mobile phones that many of us used to play Snake and text on during the ‘90s? While Austrailian companies such as Telstra and Optus aim to phase out the 2G by 2017, Vodaphone has not announced any plans to shut down it down and here’s why:
“While demand for 3G and 4G is increasing, we recognize many customers are satisfied with a basic mobile service,” a Vodafone spokesperson said. “We're continually monitoring spectrum to balance the need for 2G, 3G, and 4G services on the Vodafone network.”
One main reason people are holding onto their 2G mobile devices is to cut down the cost of cell phone bills. That doesn’t mean those who don’t own smartphones never get online. Many use the Internet at home and don’t see a need for it to be at their fingertips every second of the day.
Sustainability concerns also play a role. “I'm very environmentally aware,” said Rachel, an Australian native and 2G phone owner. “We just ship off container loads of these old electronic devices to Ghana where they just dump them … The whole thing's ridiculous.”
Others use 2G phones out of necessity. Some hospitals in Australia give out 2G-enabled Nokia phones when staff goes on home visits. Due to privacy concerns, they are not allowed to use their own phones. Nokias may still be used by hospitals as a cost saver since it is often difficult to get public money funded for these type of things.
And then there are people who still use 2G mobile devices to maintain boundaries and avoid being too contactable or distracted by the Internet. Having a “dumb” phone provides more leisure time with a clear separation of work. Coworkers know you won’t reply to emails at midnight.
Others use it as simply a better form of privacy, as they don’t want to be bothered. They don’t want anyone knowing where they are at all hours of the day or night.
“I'm a licensed investigator/skip tracer, so I know the value of privacy and do not need everyone to track my movements,” Jahnine Skaif, 36, a Sydney-based insurance recoveries officer said.
The old style phone is still appealing to some, especially for those who don’t want half of an iPad attached to their face. Would you ditch your smartphone for simplicity and privacy?
Source: Mashable
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