The hollow-shaft ENA361 and solid-shaft ESA361M single-turn absolute encoders are extremely rugged, with high-resolution (12-bit internal) 4 to 20-mA or 0 to 10-V outputs and measuring range options of 45º, 90º, 180º or 360º, The standard IP 67 encoders are suited for industrial automation and process control applications operating in the harshest environments, and an IP69K option provides extra sealing and protection required for high temperature/high pressure wash-down in construction and food industry apps.
The sensors operate over a –40º to 85ºC range from an 18 to 30-Vdc supply. (From $285 ea/100 — available 3 to 4 weeks ARO.)
Micronor , Newbury Park , CA
Dennis Horwitz 805-499-0114
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