Highly integrated radio
measures 4 x 4 mm
The SE4110L GPS radio IC integrates an IF filter, a linear AGC amplifier, a 2-bit A/D converter, a VCO, a tank circuit, an image reject mixer, a PLL, and a low-power reference oscillator into a 4 x 4-mm package. The radio offers a typical current draw of just 10 mA from a 2.7 to 3.6-V supply and a standby current of less than 10 µA.
Additional features include a switchable-gain LNA that delivers a noise figure of 1.6 dB, resulting in an overall system noise figure of 2.5 dB typ. Housed in a 24-pinQFN package, the device provides a multibit output. (Under $4.50 ea/10,000�available now.)
SiGe Semiconductor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Information 613-820-9244
Fax 613-820-4933