Image via CSIRO
The population of honeybees around the world is diminishing at a rapid rate. This is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The once live hives are turning into graves. It is speculated that pesticides, poor nutrition, and/or stress due to automotive exhaust is causing this massive demise of bees. How and why does this concern the human population? Bees pollinate one-third of the world’s crops. When these bees are dropping like flies (literally), then our food is not getting properly fertilized.
Scientists in Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have come up with a system to determine the whereabouts of the bees and why they are dying; these black-and-yellows are being outfitted with 0.1 inch square Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensor trackers. In order to affix the tracking devices, bees are anesthetized, frozen from a short stay in the refrigerator. The tags are then fastened to the bees’ backs. The bees wake once the procedure has completed, and they return to their hives.
Paulo de Souza, the lead scientist at CSIRO stated in a press release that “the sensors appear to have no impact on the bee’s ability to fly and carry out its normal duties.” Bees are very regime-oriented creatures, sticking to a daily schedule. “Any change in their behavior indicates a change in their environment. If we can model their movements, we'll be able to recognize very quickly when their activity shows variation and identify the cause.”
Image via CSIRO
Researchers will observe if there are any bizarre behavioral changes in the bees’ travels. For example, when a bee is flying to and from the beehive, it may be exposed to some sort of environmental toxin like a pesticide. Scientists believe that many pesticides interfere with bees’ flying abilities and how they adapt to the environment. When a bee encounters a pesticide and changes its route, that’s when the scientists investigate. The scientists will analyze the crops that the bees are pollinating, and test for pesticides.
These trackers will be attached to 5,000 bees in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania
Story via CSIRO
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