Many engineers and technicians use portable test equipment of both the handheld and PC-connected variety. Portable equipment — oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, VNAs (vector network analyzers), multimeters, clamp meters, and infrared temperature detectors — are used for field service, plant maintenance, bench measurements, and even in some production environments. We’d like to tell the story of how you use portable instruments for an upcoming Electronic Products print issue.
We’re looking for several real-world uses of portable instruments, and we’d like to interview you. Would you like to share your application with fellow users? If so, contact me and I’ll explain the process. Then we can arrange a time for a telephone interview after you get approval from your boss. The interview should take about 30 minutes. If we get more good application stories than will fit in the print issue, we can still tell your story online, either here on Electronic Products online or on one of our sister publications.
For those of you who might not know me, I’ve been covering test and measurement for 25 years, starting with Test & Measurement World, then moving to EDN, EE Times, and now Electronic Products print edition.
Interested in telling your story? If so, contact me at or call +1-718-360-2348 by July 7.
— Martin Rowe, Senior Technical Editor for Test & Measurement at EDN, EE Times, and Electronic Products print edition