
How to build four custom drones

The hobbyist community has really taken to building UAVs—here’s how you can get started

We know, it sounds like it could be an intense undertaking to build something that you can fly remotely. After all, you could just drive to the nearest Hobby Town, buy a Parrot Drone 2.0 and sail off into the sunset with it. But there’s no challenge in that! With drones becoming an ever increasing fixture in and around our skies, some are taking it upon themselves to become part of the revolution.      

Why would you?

We’re going to show you multiple ways to build a drone from various “recipes” from around the web. The ingredients are similar but each one has its own unique characteristics, which is why making your own even more fun! Your creation will have a little bit of your personality as a result.   

Drone #1   

Drone #1 comes our way from a website called, which is a great resource for those looking to undertake building their own drone. This drone however doesn’t come cheap as the parts total rings in at a steep $350. 

The upside to this build is that it doesn’t leave you in the dark somewhere along the way. It is extremely thorough with links to each part needed as well as instructions for each phase of the build with six in total. If that sounds like your cup of tea then check out the build right here.  

Drone #2   

This next drone is brought to us by kborgen from the fantastic maker website kborgen takes an interesting tack with this build by asking the reader what they want the drone to be like to fly. Do you want it to lug a camera around or be something that zips around quickly? 


There are also things to think about like how many props do you want? Three propellers make your drone cheaper and easier, but it can’t lift much. On the flip-side, eight props add to the bill but makes you creation more stable.  

This is another fairly expensive project at around $300, but its creator states that some parts can be found cheaper used. The whole build can be found right here.

Drone #3  

Our third drone build is brought to us by eben89 on At first the build appears a bit cluttered but continue to read on and there are complete parts lists and build steps. It’s really nice to get instructions from people passionate about builds like this because you get little tips and tricks to improve your build. 


Drone #4   

I think you could say we saved the best for last with this next drone because this one is built for speed. Drone racing leagues are popping up around the world and what better way to become a part of the action than build one!   


This build is featured on the aptly named website called and will conveniently guide you on how to build an FPV racing drone for $240. The builder has included their parts lists along with pricing, links, and descriptions. There is also a wiring diagram to show you what is soldered to what for an easier assembly.  

Custom drones are quickly becoming en vogue with hobbyists around the world, who are using the UAV technology for everything from photography to racing to just plain having fun. Just remember, please abide by all laws regarding flying in public spaces and by airports.   


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