It’s a common misconception that only teens have to deal with acne. Young or old, people want to remove their blemishes and pimples and maintain clear skin.
If you’ve tried creams and cleansing solutions, maybe it’s time to try technology to get rid of your acne.
ScanZ device and app. (Image via mySkin)
A company called mySkin has developed an accessory and app for your iPhone that can help. The ScanZ zit scanner can tell you when your zit will go away, how to make it go away faster, and whether you’re due for a breakout.
How it works
ScanZ uses the handheld scanner and a downloadable app. A user must first connect the device to the iPhone and scan your zit. The device sends out different wavelengths of light and uses image-processing techniques to analyze the zit, even what’s below the skin.
The handheld scanner for your zits. (Image via mySkin)
Then the app uses acne algorithms based on clinical studies that are similar to the Mayo Clinic Algorithms or dermatologist problem solving.
In order for the app and device combo to work at their peak, a user should also answer some basic question about his or her eating habits and cleaning products.
The company has launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for production. If all goes well, the company will being distribution by May 2014. The device will sell for $249.
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