Ideal for point-to-point radio, satellite communications, test and measurement, sensors, military radar, EW, and ELINT, the HMC709LC5 and the HMC710LC5 GaAs MMIC I/Q upconverters operate over 40° to 85°C, and use an I/Q mixer topology, which reduces the need for filtering the unwanted sideband. The HMC709LC5 features an input frequency range from 11 to 17 GHz, a conversion gain of 13 dB with 20 dB of sideband rejection, an output IP3 of 26 dBm, and an LO to RF isolation of 10 dB.
The HMC710LC5 operates from 16 to 21 GHz, has a conversion gain of 12 dB with –20 dB of sideband rejection, and provides an output IP3 of 30 dBm, and a 2LO to RF isolation of 12 dB. ($45.60 ea/10 — available now.)
Hittite Microwave
Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343
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