
I/Q upconverters span wide-frequency range

Ideal for point-to-point radio, satellite communications, test and measurement, sensors, military radar, EW, and ELINT, the HMC709LC5 and the HMC710LC5 GaAs MMIC I/Q upconverters operate over 40° to 85°C, and use an I/Q mixer topology, which reduces the need for filtering the unwanted sideband. The HMC709LC5 features an input frequency range from 11 to 17 GHz, a conversion gain of 13 dB with 20 dB of sideband rejection, an output IP3 of 26 dBm, and an LO to RF isolation of 10 dB.

I/Q upconverters span wide-frequency range

The HMC710LC5 operates from 16 to 21 GHz, has a conversion gain of 12 dB with –20 dB of sideband rejection, and provides an output IP3 of 30 dBm, and a 2LO to RF isolation of 12 dB. ($45.60 ea/10 — available now.)

Hittite Microwave
Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343


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