Targeting 3- and 5-V systems, the 8-ch LTC2991 temperature, voltage and current monitor is a highly integrated solution that incorporates a 14-bit ADC, 10-ppm/°C voltage reference, and I2 C digital interface to provide submillivolt voltage resolution and 1% current measurement, as well as ±0.7°C remote accuracy and ±1°C internal accuracy, when making temperature measurements. Eight single-ended voltage inputs can be configured to measure any combination of internal temperature, remote temperature, remote voltage and internal VCC for single or repeated measurements.
A PWM output is also available for controlling fans and heaters, or setting up alarm applications. The I2 C serial interface enables easy configuration and read back of the device’s control, status and data registers, with support of up to 400 kbit/s in I2 C fast mode. Operating voltage is 3 to 5.5 V and housing is in 16-lead MSOP packages. (From $4.50 ea/1,000 — available now)
By Christina Nickolas
Linear Technology , Milpitas , CA
Sales Office 408-428-2050
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