The ACS9522T supports IEEE1588 master, slave and boundary clock, at the same time as SyncE, SONET and SDH; delivering highly stable time alignment. The chip provides the CPU processing power and algorithms, RAM and ROM, Ethernet interfaces and time stampers, GPS in/out, clocks in/out, along with hardware synthesizers and PLLs.
The IC gives full support for all modes of IEEE1588: multicast/unicast, one-step/two-step, I.P/Ethernet and a full SONET/SDH/SyncE SETS solution (G.812/813, G.8262, GR253, GR1244 etc.). It has programmable TDM timing bandwidth – for wander and jitter tracking/attenuation – of 0.1 Hz to 70 Hz in 10 steps and comes in a LBGA324 package.
by Jim Harrison
Semtech , Camarillo , CA
Sales 805-498-2111
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