ICs for cellular telephone applications
A line of ICs handles the complete process of receiving and transmitting
voice and data signals in cellular radio and telephone applications. The
devices include five FM IF amps; two cellular radio telephone modem LSI
circuits and three associated filter ICs; a frequency synthesizer and a
two modulus prescaler IC; and two RF amps and two mixers, which are GaAs
n-channel MESFET devices. The FM IF amps come in 16- and 24-pin SOPs and
VSOPs; the modem and filter ICs are, respectively, available in 48- and
64-pin QFPs and VQFPs; the synthesizer and prescaler ICs are,
respectively, packaged in 16- and 8-pin SOPs and VSOPs; and the GaAs ICs
are available in mini mold packaging. (From $0.60 (GaAs ICs) to $10 ea/10,
000 (Filter IC)–available now.) Sony Corp. of America, Cypress, CA
Information 800-288-SONY Fax 714-229-4333