ICs for digital wireless communications
The PMB2330 is a 2-GHz double-balanced mixer IC and the PMB2312 is a
prescaler IC with a 1.1-GHz operating range. The devices are designed
specifically for digital cellular telephone applications. The PMB2330 is
a 5-V 1.6-mA Gilbert cell mixer with a high-input intercept, a noise
figure of less than 8 dB, and a gain of 10 dB. The PMB2312 prescaler
offers divide-by ratios of 64/65 or 128/129 and uses 5.5 mA typ of supply
current and 0.2 mA in standby mode with no internal oscillation. Both
devices are available in 8-pin packages. (PMB2330, $2.50 ea/1,000;
PMB2312, $2 ea/1,000–available now.) Siemens Corp. Integrated Circuits
Div. Santa Clara, CA Ramesh Sirsi 408-980-4071