IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 Expands Agenda of New Industry Forum & Expo
Three-day event announces new industry technical presentations on cyber security, 4G wireless, aerospace power technology, smart grid renewable energies, and radio prototyping
New York, NY (November 21, 2011) — IEEE GLOBECOM 2011, the premier international conference dedicated to communications technologies worldwide, recently expanded the agenda of its newly-introduced Industry Forum & Expo with several new industry technical presentations dedicated to the latest research in smart grid, cyber security, 4G wireless, aerospace power technology and radio system communications.
To be held December 5 – 9 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas under the theme of “Energizing Global Communications,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 is expected to attract nearly 2,500 international academics, researchers, scientists, and government officials to more than 1,500 presentations exploring the development and implementation of the latest broadband, wireless, multimedia, data, image and voice communications.
Starting Tuesday, December 6, worldwide attendees will also be introduced to the conference’s new Industry Forum & Expo, which was specifically designed to further real-world innovations in engineering, telecommunications, IT business systems and economic modeling. Featuring presentations from leading industry experts representing East West Institute, P.E. LLC, National Instruments, Mathworks, University of Sheffield, NASA Glenn Research Center and NASA Johnson Space Flight Center, the event was recently expanded to include several new technical presentations and tutorials highlighting:
• “Cyber Security: Trust in Reliability and Security of Cyberspace,” which will review the very real threats posed to national security, economic stability and public safety by both criminals and natural disasters as well as the integrity of ICT development environments and limitations of the Global Undersea Communications Cable Structure (GUCC)
• “Radio Receivers, Transmitters, Modulation and Noise – A Review of Fundamentals,” which will highlight the building blocks of today and tomorrow’s mobile radio, microwave, satellite, WiFi, HSPA, LTE and other OFDMA/FDMA/TDMA wireless communications
• “Open Programmable Rapid Prototyping and Test Bed Frameworks” for advancing the transition of wireless bandwidth capacity solutions from simulation to working prototypes
• “How Basic Communications Theory Turns into 4G Wireless Systems.” This two-part, four-hour presentation will detail the major components involved in 4G LTE wireless systems and the functional design of communication systems using real-world case studies
• “Dense Small Cell Deployments in Future Radio Access Networks.” During this panel session, industry experts will highlight methods for overcoming the exponential growth of mobile traffic, which is expected to increase by over 1,000 times by 2020
• “Aerospace Power Technology for Possible Terrestrial Energy System Applications” and its impact on producing reliable, sustainable, low-cost energy systems for terrestrial needs
• “The Influence of NASA’s Human Spaceflight Program on the Development of Fuel Cell Technology” and its value in “spinning in” commercially-developed fuel cell applications for spacecraft applications
In addition, IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 will officially commence on Monday, December 5 with the first of two days of tutorials and workshops. On this date and Friday, December 9, leading industry experts will outline the newest findings and applications in numerous hot-topic areas such as “Information Warfare,” “Smart Grid Communications & Networking, “Networking for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles,” “Optical Wireless Communications,” “Mobile Computing & Emerging Communication Networks,” “Smart Communications & Networking Technologies, “Distributed Autonomous Underwater Sensor Networks” and “Next Generation Data Center Networks for Cloud Computing.”
Tuesday, December 6 will then also mark the beginning of the conference’s keynote and technical agenda. Among the many featured speakers will be John Donovan, chief technology officer of AT&T; Dr. Laurence B. Milstein, Ericsson Chair Professor of the University of California at San Diego; and Dr. Farnam Jahanian, Assistant Director, CISE Directorate, NSF.
Furthermore, the conference’s technical symposia, which will be held from Tuesday through Thursday, will feature over 1,000 peer-reviewed papers delivered throughout nearly 200 separate sessions. Specific areas of interest are wireless network performance, femtocells, game theory & congestion control, cooperative spectrum sensing, mobile networks, intrusion detection, wireless security, satellite & space communications, vehicle & mobile ad hoc networks, energy efficiency in computing, multimedia communications technologies and powerline communications & smart grid.
Another highpoint is expected to be the IEEE GEOSS Forum XLIV, which will be held on Monday as a full-day workshop dedicated to enhancing the world’s earth observation capabilities in rural areas.
For more information on IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 including sponsorship information, registration details and regular conference updates please visit or contact Heather Ann Sweeney of the IEEE Communications Society at 212-705-8938 and/or All visitors to the IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 website are invited to network with friends and colleagues via the conference’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
The IEEE Communications Society has over 50,000 members and is the second largest of IEEE’s 38 technical societies. Founded in 1952, it has become the major international forum for the exchange of ideas on communications and information networking.
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