The AlphaIGBT 600-V insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) target motor control and power conversion for home and industrial applications. The patent pending devices combine cell and vertical device structures offering best-in-class conduction (VCE(SAT)) versus switching loss (EOFF) trade-off compared . They enable a wide operation frequency range that addresses white goods, industrial equipment, and commercial applications.
The transistors offer 2.5-X lower turn-off switching loss (EOFF) and 2-X higher short-circuit withstand time rating compared to the current leading competition devices with similar VCE(SAT) values. They feature a positive temperature coefficient of VCE(SAT) and low overall gate charge allowing designers to parallel devices. (Contact company for price and availability.)
By Paul O’Shea
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor , Sunnyvale , CA , United States
information 408-830-9742
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