The AOxxB60D 600−V insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) use a patent pending AlphaIGBT technology that combines a unique cell and vertical device structure to offer best-in-class conduction (VCE(sat)) versus switching loss (EOFF) trade-off, and longer short-circuit capability. The IGBT devices enable a wide operation frequency range that suits air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, general inverters, servo motors, sewing machines, welding machines, uninterruptible power supplies, as well as commercial type heating and solar inverters.
The IGBTs offer 2.5 times lower turn-off switching loss (Eoff) and 2 times higher short circuit withstand time (SCWT) rating compared to the current leading competition device with similar VCE(sat) values. The positive temperature coefficient of VCE(sat) and gate charge characteristics of AlphaIGBT technology allow designers to parallel devices with existing drive circuits. (Contact company for price and availability.)
By Paul O’Shea
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor , Sunnyvale , CA , United States
information 408-830-9742
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