Image of the Day: 3-D View from Bradbury Landing Site
September 5, 2012
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
This 3-D image from NASA’s Curiosity was taken from the rover’s Bradbury Landing site inside Gale Crater, Mars, using the left and right eyes of its Navigation camera. Between the rover on the right, and its shadow on the left, looms the rover’s eventual target: Mount Sharp. The mountain’s highest peak is not visible to the rover from the landing site.
Right-eye view
Left-eye view
This full-resolution, 360-degree stereo panorama was taken on sols 2 and 12 of the mission, or the 2nd and 12th Martian days since landing (Aug. 8 and 18, 2012). It requires viewing with the traditional red-blue 3-D glasses, with red going over the left eye. The right and left stereo pairs are also available for creating your own 3-D imagery.
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