
Image of the Day: A timeline of Internet websites

When did the websites you’ve come to know and love actually come into existence?

Websites logos

Thanks to, an online identity provider, we can determine when a website registered its domain name.

The infographic below lays out a history of Internet websites.

The first on the timeline,, was actually the first domain name registered on the Internet in 1985. The original Symbolics company focused on computer development, designing and manufacturing single-user computers to run a Lisp programming language. Today, out of over 250 million domain names in existence, remains the first and oldest registered domain name. Now, is a place where people can advertise due to the traffic that the oldest domain name receives naturally.

Website Timeline
Want to see what these websites looked like many years ago? Take a look at “Websites: What they looked like then vs. What they look like now”.


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