
Image of the Day: Alarm clock that only stops ringing once you get out of bed

You will never be able to say you accidentally hit the snooze button again.

Chipper Alarm Clock 01Chipper under a mattress.

A group of students from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have been working on a method to ensure you never turn off your alarm clock and fall back to sleep by creating an intelligent alarm clock called Chipper.

Chipper employs capacitance technology (similar to the technology used in your touchscreen devices) to sense if someone is in the bed. 

Chipper Alarm Clock 02Chipper alarm clock's parts.

Chipper consists of an electronics box that contains the alarm and hangs off the side of your bed. Installing the device is easy— all you have to do is place the fabric sensors under your mattress and set up your alarms on your cellphone via Bluetooth connectivity.

The team is trying to get to Maker Faire Bay Area in May so if you want to vote for the Chipper, do so here and stay tuned because Chipper is set to become a commercial product in the near future.


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