August 1, 2012
Photo credit: NASA
JSC2012-E-107190 (August 2012) — Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station as of August 2, 2012. Progress 48 docks to the Pirs Docking Compartment. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-3) is connected to the Harmony nadir port. Soyuz 31 (TMA-05M) is docked to the Rassvet Mini-Research Module 1 (MRM1). European Space Agency’s Automated Transfer Vehicle-3 (ATV-3) “Edoardo Amaldi” is attached to the Zvezda Service Module and Soyuz 30 (TMA-04M) is linked to the Poisk Mini-Research Module 2 (MRM2).
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