
Image of the Day: The inside of a fake Apple watch vs. the real thing

As fake wearables begin to populate overseas market, it’s important to note how the technology differs

As most people already know, Apple recently announced it would be bringing to market its long-rumored Apple Watch in the coming months

Apple Watch
One sector of the tech industry that took particular interest in this new gadget was the black market, or those who steal the designs and technologies of bigger companies and sell knock-off items on the street. It wasn’t long after the announcement that the Apple Watch would soon be coming to stores that fake Apple Watches began showing up on the streets in China.

Fake Apple Watch
While impressive on the outside, when they’re taken apart and the innards exposed, we’re assured that when it comes Apple products, beauty is not skin deep — there is a major difference in not only the technologies that make these watches work, but the way in which they’re packaged together.

For a closer look at just how different a $350 Apple Watch is from its $50 knockoff / copycat version, check out the images below, which were captured by a photographer who purchased the faux device, opened it up, and then compared it to shots of the real deal which were posted online by Apple: 

Apple spoke highly of the Watch’s Taptic Engine and custom S1 System in a Package — and for good reason:

Inside of a fake apple watch
Here’s what the inside of the fake watch looks like. At least they took the time to imprint the “remember to recycle” iconography on the inside of the plastic encasement.

Inside of an apple watch
Speaking of encasements, this is what the internal casing for the Apple Watch looks like. 

Apple Watch case
The circuit board for the Apple Watch is an example of superb engineering skill.  

Circuit board for Apple Watch
Especially when you compare it to the circuit board of a fake Apple Watch.

Circuit board for fake Apple Watch
One of the things Apple was particularly proud to point out during their announcement was the precision with which their designers were able to craft the device’s case mold for its scrolling input component. 

Scrolling input for Apple Watch
The scrolling component on the faux Watch leaves a lot to be desired.

Scrolling input for fake Apple Watch
Worth noting is that on the fake watches, the communication button is on the opposite side of where it’s located on the real Apple Watch (thereby rendering the knockoff not an “exact” replication).

Fake apple watch communication button
Perhaps the most telling difference is in the look when it’s turned on.

Real Apple Watch:
Apple Watch worn
Fake Apple Watch:
Fake Apple Watch on
Simply put: there’s no comparison between the two.

Via: PhoneArena


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